Sunday, December 09, 2007

Happy Birthday, Me!

I'd say I had a really swell birthday, today. I started off helping some people interpret dreams at a class at church, which I love doing! I helped Bridget lead worship in kids church, an amazing workout! I received about 39 wall posts on my Facebook, wishing me a happy birthday! There were just so many great things that happened today. Splendid!

Steak for lunch. Arrested Development for post lunch nap show. And then, hot wings and pizza bites at the Davenports'. They made the official announcement to their small group that they are going to be starting a small group in Farmer City in January, and somehow it came up, and Russell told everyone that I would be going with them. Woot!

I'm really excited about the team of leaders coming together for the Farmer City area. I love the people, and I love that God wants me to be a part of this.

Oh, I also had some randomly vivid dreams last night. One was about killing a snake and a frog in a pond with my heel. The other was much longer and involved me visiting my friend Jamie in St Joe, wanting to make Christmas Cookies. If anything comes of them, I may write about it.


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